You probably know Wipro as this big or should we say one of the Indian multinational corporations, right? But you see, Wipro is kinda changing the thinking of a lot of people right here in India about how such a big company plays a part in growing the economy and helping out those who are in need. That’s primarily why they have set up the Wipro Foundation, you know, to handle all that CSR aka Corporate Social Responsibility things or projects. So yeah, if you are feeling intrigued already, then keep on reading to find out more about Wipro Company’s CSR activities in India. Alright, here we go then.
What Is Wipro’s CSR Foundation?
At its core, Wipro’s CSR efforts are driven by the Wipro Foundation and Wipro Cares at large, you know? The Wipro Foundation is the CSR entity of Wipro Limited and works towards improving societal outcomes, particularly through programs in Education, Primary Healthcare, Ecology, Disaster Response, and just right here in India, a unique program that supports causes under Cities & Public Spaces. Similarly, Wipro Cares, the community engagement and volunteering function, works with the spirit, passion, imagination, and commitment of Wiproites to turn their desire to serve and results into tangible differences, especially in its emergency response activities.
Strategic Areas of Focus Wipro CSR Foundation
- Education: Wipro has a deep and pervasive commitment to education, one that endeavors to ensure that all should have access to the finest available education. Its numerous educational initiatives include everything from delivering basic literacy to children with disabilities to fostering leadership qualities and critical thinking, utilizing STEM education programs such as Wipro Earthian, where one of its many pilot programs reached 17,300 students and 116 teachers, engaging them on the issue of sustainability, you know? With 230 organizations in partnership, its education programs have impacted close to 1.8 million people, clearly reflecting its deep commitment to this cause.
- Healthcare: In healthcare, the program’s initiatives are designed to strengthen public health systems, with a focus on maternal and child healthcare. Recognizing the profound gaps in healthcare facilities that communities at the bottom are challenged by, Wipro has launched a bunch of programs across a number of Indian cities to enhance the quality of healthcare available to all. Its healthcare initiatives have impacted close to 1.3 million, including 150,000 young and expectant mothers, clearly reflecting its commitment to bringing about improved healthcare outcomes for the underserved, you know?
- Ecology: Let’s start with an example, you see, Wipro’s Urban Ecology Program works to ensure sustainable management of water and biodiversity, with a specific emphasis on these critical aspects being conserved in metropolises. With savvy partnerships and innovative initiatives, the company is forging ahead with its ecological preservation initiatives, adding to the quality of life of communities, and is helping deepen consciousness and understanding of the importance of being responsible for the natural world.
- Disaster Response: Wipro’s disaster response initiatives demonstrate, in real time, the program’s commitment and ability to provide comprehensive support to communities in the immediate aftermath of natural disasters, but also for the long term. Facilitating everything from emergency healthcare services to long-term rebuilding and rehabilitation agreements with highly regarded organizations such as “Doctors For You” Wipro is able to ensure that services are disbursed quickly and effectively so that communities can get back on their feet as quickly as possible, and with greater resilience.
Impactful Programs and Initiatives
- Wipro Earthian: You see, by reaching out to thousands of schools and colleges, this pioneering program has not only inspired students but also fostered a culture of sustainability among educators. It’s emblematic of Wipro’s recognition of education’s power to transform the world.
- TalentNext Program: By upgrading faculty and student digital competencies, the TalentNext Program readies individuals not only for the demands of the digital age but the transformative contributions they’ll have to make in the tech-driven future.
- Systemic Education Reform Program: And then there is Wipro’s Systemic Education Reform Program, which is expanding and improving the education sector. Evidence of Wipro’s comprehension of the many challenges education faces and its intent to offer sustainable recommendations that benefit educators and students.
Financial Commitment and Impact
Wipro’s financial commitment to its CSR activities is in evidence, quite literally! In FY 2022-23, Wipro literally spent Rs. 215.7 Crores on various CSR initiatives, well above its statutory obligations of Rs. 180.90 Crores. It has been this commitment that has enabled this company to help bring impactful projects to scale in its strategic focus areas, touching the lives of millions and contributing to sustainable development.
Final Thoughts
All in all, Wipro is one of those companies that is doing super well for the nation right now and for the people who are actually in need. And we can only hope that Wipro will continue to do so in the years to come, right?

Meet Suhas Harshe, a financial advisor committed to assisting people and businesses in confidently understanding and managing the complexities of the financial world. Suhas has shared his knowledge on various topics like business, investment strategies, optimizing taxes, and promoting financial well-being through articles in