Top 5 Trillion Dollar Companies in the World to Invest

It often happens when people try to find this lucky or super unique opportunity to invest in a company that will grow crazy in a matter of months or a few years. But that’s kind of a rare thing you see. Instead of doing that, you can do better if you invest in companies that you know will do better in the future because those companies are too big to fail at this point. And we aren’t talking about just any companies though, we are specifically focusing on the trillion-dollar companies here. Well, there are not many trillion-dollar companies out there, but out of those handful of names, we’d like to introduce you to the top 5. Come with us as we walk you through the top 5 trillion dollar companies list to invest in 2024 because that’s what today’s post is all about. Here we go.

1. Apple Inc.


Well, since it is a talk about the trillion dollar companies, we gotta put Apple in the first spot because market capitalization-wise Apple is the biggest company in the world right now. Even though it has been decades since the establishment of Apple company, its growth and popularity are zooming up, like, super fast. Just look at their gross margins in 2023, a whopping 44.5%! And that’s why, right now, loads of analysts and investment experts are super pumped about 2024. They’re all expecting Apple to hit even more incredible heights of growth.

Name Apple Inc. (formerly Apple Computer, Inc.)
Founding Date April 1, 1976
Founders Steve Jobs, Steve Wozniak, Ronald Wayne
Headquarters Cupertino, California, USA
Industry Technology
Products & Services Smartphones (iPhone), Tablets (iPad), Computers (Mac), Wearables (Apple Watch), Streaming devices (Apple TV), Operating systems (iOS, macOS), Online services (App Store, iCloud, Apple Music), Software applications (iWork, Final Cut Pro), Accessories
CEO Tim Cook
Employees 154,000+ (as of September 2023)
Market Capitalization $3.00 trillion (as of January 28, 2024)
Annual Revenue $383.29 billion (fiscal year 2023)

2. Microsoft Corporation

Microsoft Corporation

This tech legend was born in 1975, thanks to Bill Gates and Paul G. Allen. These Seattle buddies started out by tweaking BASIC for early personal computers. Microsoft really hit the big time when they came up with MS-DOS for IBM’s first personal computer. That was the real game-changer, leading to Windows, which pretty much everyone’s used. Looking at 2024, Microsoft’s got some tricks up its sleeve. AI’s the big word here, and they’re just getting started. The CFO’s hinting at AI becoming a $10 billion business. That’s huge, right? So, if you’re thinking of investments, Microsoft’s looking like a pretty smart choice for 2024.

Name Microsoft Corporation
Founding Date April 4, 1975
Founders Bill Gates, Paul Allen
Headquarters Redmond, Washington, USA
Industry Technology
Products & Services Operating Systems (Windows, Xbox OS), Productivity Software (Microsoft Office, Office 365), Cloud Computing (Microsoft Azure), Video Games (Xbox, Game Pass), Business Solutions (Dynamics 365), Artificial Intelligence (Azure AI)
CEO Satya Nadella
Employees 221,000+ (as of June 2023)
Market Capitalization $2.4 trillion (as of January 28, 2024)
Annual Revenue $168.04 billion (fiscal year 2023)

3. Saudi Aramco

Saudi Aramco

And then there’s Saudi Aramco. It all began way back in 1933 when Saudi Arabia said ‘yes’ to Standard Oil Co. of California. By the 80s, it was all under Saudi control and renamed Saudi Aramco. Fast forward again to 2024, and they’re planning to up their game in oil production. We’re talking about 13 million barrels per day by 2027! And it’s not just oil; they’re big on cleaner energy too, like blue hydrogen. Quite recently, Fitch Ratings just gave them a thumbs up, changing their outlook to “positive.” Sounds like a solid bet, doesn’t it?

Name Saudi Arabian Oil Company (Saudi Aramco)
Founding Date May 28, 1933
Headquarters Dhahran, Saudi Arabia
Industry Oil & Gas, Chemicals
Operations Exploration, production, refining, distribution, petrochemicals
CEO Amin H. Nasser
Employees 70,000+
Market Capitalization $2.11 trillion (as of January 28, 2024)
Annual Revenue $488.12 billion (fiscal year 2023)

4. Alphabet Inc.

Alphabet Inc

Alphabet Inc. is actually a company that came into existence when the whole restructuring of Google thing was happening in 2015. Back then, people behind Google wanted to streamline the structure of the company to give more freedom to individual companies under Google to explore beyond the internet and grow even more. Well, that’s what actually happened back in 2015, and then, in December 2019, big news came when Google’s founders, Larry Page, and Sergey Brin, stepped down from their executive roles. And who stepped in? None other than Sundar Pichai, leading both Google and Alphabet. As of 2024, Alphabet is part of the “Magnificent Seven” in tech and is set to keep its momentum in 2024. Right now, as of 2024 to be precise, big investors’ names like Bill Ackman and Stanley Druckenmiller are betting on it too, showing how strong it is in the market.

Name Alphabet Inc.
Founding Date October 4, 2015 (restructuring of Google)
Founders Larry Page, Sergey Brin (founders of Google)
Headquarters Mountain View, California, USA
Industry Technology
Subsidiaries Google, Google Cloud, Waymo, Wing, Verily, Calico, X, DeepMind, CapitalG
Products & Services Search (Google Search), Online advertising (Google Ads), Mobile operating system (Android), Video sharing (YouTube), Cloud computing (Google Cloud Platform), Hardware (Pixel phones, Nest devices), Software (Chrome browser, Google Workspace), Research & development (AI, self-driving cars, healthcare)
CEO Sundar Pichai
Employees 157,000+ (as of September 2023)
Market Capitalization $1.82 trillion (as of January 28, 2024)
Annual Revenue $282.83 billion (2022)

5. Amazon Inc.


Everybody knows at this point how small of a start it was for, but we all know how big that small company has become now, don’t we? It is so big right now that Amazon is literally one of the biggest tech and online shopping companies out there. Take their performance in the current year for example. In 2023, Amazon’s shares bounced back big time, soaring nearly 75% since the start of the year. This comeback is all thanks to better margins and getting a boost in areas like advertising. This mix of businesses is making Amazon’s stock more solid, backing up its cash flow. Looking at 2024, things are looking up for Amazon in the new economic cycle. With inflation cooling down, consumers might start spending more on non-essentials. And AWS? It’s ready to cash in on this through its business customers.

Name, Inc.
Founding Date July 5, 1994
Founder Jeff Bezos
Headquarters Seattle, Washington, USA
Industry Technology, E-commerce, Cloud Computing
Segments Online Stores, Amazon Web Services (AWS), Physical Stores, Subscription Services
Products & Services Online marketplace for various products, Cloud computing platforms (AWS), Kindle e-readers, Fire tablets, Fire TV, Echo devices, Alexa voice assistant, Prime subscription service, Whole Foods Market, Amazon Studios
CEO Andy Jassy
Employees 1,500,000+ (as of June 2023)
Market Capitalization $1.64 trillion (as of January 28, 2024)
Annual Revenue $554.03 billion (2023)

What Other Trillion Dollars (Or Soon To Be) Companies You Can Invest In 2024?

Now, we’re all familiar with the giants, the current kings of the tech industry, but what about the other fastest-growing companies around the globe? Take Nvidia, for example. You’ve probably heard of them for their top-notch graphics cards, yeah? But, you see, there’s a whole lot more to their story. They’re the ones constantly dropping new tech and AI breakthroughs, almost every month. Now, that’s something! And then there is Tesla, which is not just any car company, no sir. Tesla is all about redefining the game with their electric vehicles and energy innovations. You see, both Nvidia and Tesla, they’re on a rocket ship when it comes to growth. Nvidia? They’ve already smashed into the trillion-dollar club. And Tesla? Well, it is almost there too. So, keep your eyes wide open, because before you know it, Tesla’s gonna be right up there on that trillion-dollar list too.


Alright, that’ll do it for now. In our opinion, it is pretty hard to go wrong with these top 5 companies. And the reason for that is pretty simple, these companies know what they are doing, and if you stick around with them long term as an investor, you’ll most likely be able to turn your little investments into huge piles of cash down the line.


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