If you are currently trying to build a better financial future for yourself and you want to try to diversify your portfolio somewhat then property is a very good direction to go in financially. It provides you with a very stable way to invest your money knowing that it will grow over the long term but it is something that you can sell in the short term as well. The hope is that we can have enough money so that we can retire at a fairly young age and that we can travel the world and experience new cultures and see new things.
The great news about property in Australia is that it increases in value year-on-year and it has done so for the past number of decades. If you speak to real estate agents in Mona Vale, they will tell you the exact same story and this is why they got involved in this industry in the first place. They know and understand that property is a sure fire way to create long-term wealth for yourself and for your family as well. If you are contemplating investing in property then the following are just some of the reasons why it makes perfect financial sense here in Australia.
- It provides a passive income – If there is one thing that you can be sure off at the end of every month when you buy property it’s that if you rent it out, you can be sure that a certain amount of money is coming to you on a regular basis. This provides you with consistent money that you can use to pay off the mortgage on the property and whatever is left over, can be invested back into the property itself or you can buy yourself something else.
- It diversifies your portfolio – There is a well-known expression that ‘you shouldn’t put all of your eggs into one basket’ and this is an expression to live by. Diversification is essential if you are to reduce any risks that you might have when it comes to all of your investments. By spreading your risk and purchasing property, it allows you to be able to enjoy some balance and stability in your overall investment strategy.
- The value will increase over time – We only have past performances to make this judgement by but property has been on the increase over the past five decades or more and it doesn’t show any signs of slowing down at all. In all likelihood, any property that you buy today will probably double in value over the next 10 years because if there is one thing that we are running out of here in Mona Vale, it is space.
These three reasons are why it makes perfect sense to invest in property today and always. It provides you with something tangible that you can hold in your hands and if you need some emergency cash, you can always sell your property quickly and easily.

Meet Suhas Harshe, a financial advisor committed to assisting people and businesses in confidently understanding and managing the complexities of the financial world. Suhas has shared his knowledge on various topics like business, investment strategies, optimizing taxes, and promoting financial well-being through articles in InvestmentDose.com