Track Your IPO Allotment Status: Quick and Easy Guide

Using PAN Number, Application Numbers or Demat ID, check Brace Port Logistics, Forcas Studio, and Interarch Building Products online allotment status. These are the basic instructions for online or offline inspection of the IPO Allotment Status.

The allocation procedure will take place on the following day after IPO closure per the most recent SEBI regulations for the main-board upcoming ipo. Within 24 hours after the IPO closing date, the registrars—Linkintime—should distribute the IPO allotment in line with SEBI guidelines. Within 24 hours of the IPO closing date, the SMEs’ allocated status will be accessible just as the main-board ipo.

IPO (Initial Public Offering)


Should an IPO be oversubscribed—that is, if the applied share count exceeds the available supply—allocation becomes proportionate? Your chances of being assigned increase with increasing application count.

Allotment Method

Businesses allocate using a variety of systems, including a first-come, first-served basis or a lottery approach.

 Store-Based Vs. Institutional Investors

Additionally, allocation is different for retail and institutional investments. Usually, compared to institutional investors, retail investors get a lesser share.

 Advice On Successful IPO Allotment

We need to know the IPO allocation procedure now can help you improve your chances of allocation:

  • Spread Your Applications: Applying for many IPOs would help you to spread your chances.
  • Follow the timelines: Apply within the specified period to prevent missing anything.
  • Analyse the company: Do extensive corporate research before applying.
  • Keep documentation handy for quick access to your application specifics.

 IPO Allotment Methodology

All applications are arranged and checked throughout the allocation procedure after the IPO subscription. Rejecting incomplete IPO applications In an IPO, the registrar serves as the middleman and oversees the distribution of shares. It also handles returned refunds for turned-down applications.

Individual investors’ bids during the IPO allocation procedure determine how many IPO shares are allotted. When shares are oversubscribed, the allocation procedure is handled by lottery. It occurs when the available shares are less than the bids. Further, depending on the result, shares are assigned to your name.

How Can One Find The IPO All-Allocation Status? 

The registrar’s, NSE, or BSE websites will let you see the IPO allotment status.

  • PAN Card
  • Application ID for the IPO bid
  • Demat Account Number, DP Client ID


A significant turning point in your investing path is your allocated status for an IPO. Following the above given guidelines and considering these ideas will help you to negotiate this procedure with assurance. Remember, getting an allocation in a sought-after IPO is about being proactive and making wise judgements rather than just about chance. Stay educated and keep investing, then.


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