Top 10 Leading MNC Companies in India

Have you heard of MNCs? Yes, right? But do we know which multinational companies work in India? We use their products and services every day. MNCs have big effects on the Indian economy. They bring better technology and make the economy bigger, making lots of jobs. Staying friends with these companies can help India’s economy grow. With help from both government and business, India can get more modern digitally. According to Statista, in 2018, MNCs made about 0.2 percent of India’s GDP in profit.

Now, let’s explore the top 10 leading MNC companies in India.

List of Top MNC companies in India

1. Hindustan Unilever Limited


Hindustan Unilever Limited (HUL) is India’s biggest MNC company, growing fast since 1931. They have a wide range of brands that help people live better lives. Most Indian homes use at least one of their 50+ brands across 16 categories every day. They make over 65 billion products every year, available in nine million stores and online. Their business strategy focuses on sustainability, helping us grow responsibly. HUL is India’s top-rated FMCG company for Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) practices and is the preferred employer in various sectors.

2. IBM


IBM is a leading MNC company with its main office in Armonk, New York. It started in 1991. In India, its main office is in Bangalore. IBM is a service based company that offers many services like business advice, storage solutions, managing applications, middleware, software, and nanotechnology. It’s one of the oldest and biggest tech companies globally. IBM is working on advanced computer chips, quantum computing, AI, and data infrastructure.

3. Microsoft

Microsoft Corporation

Microsoft India Development Center (IDC) is a part of Microsoft Corporation, an American software company. It’s based in Hyderabad, India. Bill Gates and Paul Allen started it. Microsoft helps with digital changes using smart cloud and edge technologies. Its goal is to help everyone and every organization do more. In India, Microsoft provides global cloud services from local data centers. This helps Indian start-ups, businesses, and government agencies go digital faster. Microsoft came to India in 2002. Since then, it’s worked closely with the government, IT industry, schools, and local developers. Microsoft has offices in 11 Indian cities.

4. Amazon


In India, people who love shopping often think of Amazon for online shopping. Amazon, a big company, sells many things and works in India as Amazon India Limited, which is part of Amazon Inc. Amazon started in India in 2013. Since then, Indians trust it a lot for buying things online. In 2022, Amazon lost 2.7 billion dollars, but in 2023, it made 30.4 billion dollars. It’s very popular in India and sells lots of different stuff.

5. Infosys


Infosys Limited is an Indian multinational company that does computer work for other businesses. It started in Pune and now has its main office in Bangalore. Narayan Murthi and his friends started it. Infosys does work for other companies in India and other countries. It was the first Indian company to be on the US stock market. Right now, Infosys made a website for India’s tax office. It’s the second biggest Indian IT company, after Tata Consultancy Services, based on money earned in 2020.

6. Nestlé


We have loved Nestle chocolates since we were kids. They’re some of the tastiest chocolates around. Nestle is also a big MNC company from Switzerland that works in India too. Nestle India is part of Nestle, a big company that came to India in 1912. Nestlé makes lots of things like baby food, drinks, cereals, coffee, sweets, dairy stuff, ice cream, frozen food, pet food, and snacks. They have many famous brands like Nespresso, Nescafé, Kit Kat, Smarties, Nesquik, Stouffer’s, Vittel, and Maggi. These brands make over 1 billion CHF (about US$1.1 billion) in sales every year.

7. Apple Inc

Apple Inc

Apple’s presence in India affects technology, entertainment, and shopping. Apple’s creative gadgets and technologies have had a big effect on India’s economy. Many people in India use iPhones, iPads, and Macs, and Apple provides services like Apple Music. In big cities, Apple has fancy stores where you can buy lots of different products. These stores also fix things and give advice at Genius Bars. Apple starting to make iPhones in India shows they want to grow and make jobs there. They have rules about how to behave in business and in everyday life, and they stick to them.

8. Google


We all think Google should be on any list of big companies in India since it came here in 2004. Now, it keeps spending a lot and growing its work by hiring smart people from top engineering and business schools and making things for Indians. Google India Pvt Ltd started in 2004 and is one of the top 10 big companies in India. It works under Google Inc. Google’s goal is to sort out all the information in the world and make it helpful and easy to get. It started with just one language for searching, but now Google has lots of products and services, like different ads and web tools for all sorts of jobs, in many languages.

9. Coca-Cola India Private Limited

Coca Cola

Coca-Cola India Private Limited is a big part of the Indian drink business. It’s a branch of the big American drink company. They sell lots of drinks like Diet Coke and Coca-Cola Cherry. In India, lots of people buy drinks from Coca-Cola India because it’s a top drink company with lots of stores.

10. Reliance Industries

Reliance Industries

Almost everyone in India knows the Ambani family. Dhirubhai Ambani’s sons Mukesh and Nita carry on his legacy. They’re very wealthy. Reliance Industries is their company, operating in many industries worldwide. It’s the biggest firm in India by Market Capitalization. Jio, a telecom company owned by Reliance, is now a separate public company named Jio Financial Services. Reliance mainly deals in oil and refining. Reliance is also into sustainable energy and has built India’s largest solar plant, playing a big part in the country’s economy.


In conclusion, these “top 10 leading MNC companies in India” have had a big impact on India’s economy. MNCs work in different countries to grow their business and offer services and products that fit each place’s culture and environment. India is a great place for these companies to expand. Some companies, like Reliance, Tata, and Infosys, were founded in India and now operate in many countries. Others are foreign companies that set up branches in India and offer their products and services. It can also use resources from overseas companies to help its digital revolution.