Mercedes Dealership Cost In India: Fees, Requirements, Apply Process

Mercedes-Benz, often called Mercedes or Benz, is a famous German brand making luxury and commercial vehicles since 1926. The company has had its main office in Stuttgart, Germany, since 2019. They make fancy cars and small trucks under the Mercedes-Benz name. Starting in November 2019, big trucks and buses with the Mercedes-Benz label are managed by Daimler Truck, a part of Mercedes-Benz Group that became its own company in 2021. Owning a Mercedes dealership requires a lot of money. Still, if you’re curious, we’ll explore an estimation of the Mercedes Dealership Cost in India: fees, requirements, and application process.


Mercedes Dealership Fees

Starting a Mercedes Benz dealership in India can cost a lot and change depending on where you want to set it up, how big it is, and other things. Remember, getting a dealership isn’t easy and might require you to spend a lot more money than just what the franchise costs. You might need to buy land or a building, spend on advertising, buy cars to sell, and hire people to work there.

The best way to determine how much it’ll cost is to ask Mercedes Benz directly. They can tell you what you need to do and how much money you’ll need to start a dealership in India.

You’ll need at least 10-15 crores for a posh city. (Note: This amount might change, and we’re giving it to help you understand, not as a final number.)

Starting a Mercedes-Benz dealership is a big deal, and you need a lot of money to do it. But if you can, it can really make you look good as a businessman.

Requirements for Mercedes Dealership

To become a Mercedes dealership, you must comply with the following requirements:

  1. Setting up a car dealership requires space. You want an area for engines, a place to show them, and repair centers. You should have enough space to park and store cars. The location should not be in the city center but easily accessible.
  2. Employees are also important. Hire experienced people for marketing, customer relations, maintenance, and other jobs. Make sure you choose the right man or woman for each role.
  3. Get a warranty.
  4. Get your Goods and Services Tax Identification Number (GSTIN) range.
  5. Set up your dealership in a great location.
  6. Make sure your seller’s images and lettering adhere to national rules.
  7. Pay all necessary expenses.
  8. The courthouse will come with a provider brand.
  9. You need a revenue license to promote engines.

Apply Process for Mercedes Dealership

Follow these steps to start a Mercedes dealership in India:

  1. Know about Mercedes cars, their types, and what it takes to be a dealer.
  2. Look at the location where you need to open a dealership. See if there are enough people to buy Mercedes cars there.
  3. Check when you have enough cash and resources to invest in a dealership.
  4. Connect with them to reveal that you are interested in being a provider. You can discover their touch data on their website.
  5. Mercedes-Benz India will look at your software and see if you are healthy enough to become a dealer.
  6. They may ask about how you enjoy cars, how much money you have when you have a place to set up a dealership, and your business plans.
  7. You want to be involved in how you run the dealership successfully. Include where it will be, what it will look like, how you will sell the engines, how you will deal with clients, and how much money you think you will make.
  8. Once they agree, you’ll have the information to start with the Mercedes dealership.


In conclusion, starting a Mercedes dealership in India requires a lot of money, and is not smooth sailing right now. The dealership rate can be exchanged entirely based on what miles it is in and how massive it is far away. In addition to the cost of acquiring a franchise, you may want money for things like land, advertising, engines to sell, and people. Remember that the steps and things you want are likely specific, so it’s great to initiate a direct conversation with Mercedes-Benz India immediately for the right stats.


  1. Manoj

    How I can get merc dealership in south india

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